Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crips & Bloods: Made In America [Full Documentary]

Stacy Peralta has produced two of the best documentaries “Dogtown and Z-Boys” and “Riding Giants,” exhilarating, informative works with reverence for the cultures (skateboarding and surfing, respectively) they chronicle. With the sobering “Crips and Bloods: Made in America,” Peralta goes outside subjects of personal expertise, tackling the gang war that has long convulsed Los Angeles’ African American community.The documentary film does paint a the rather long history of this area of Los Angeles including immigration during Second World War, both riots and the civil rights struggles. The documentary is well shot with great music and narration by Forest Whitaker and a nice selection of both interview subjects and ideas. You very well may learn something and you cannot help feel for those that have senselessly suffered from the violence. With out much of a solution given, despite the enforced gang violence-prevention sequence, not much of an impression is left that anything will improve with the gang warfare. As one Crip makes the observation of, “It is what it is.” A bloody, chilling fact!?

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